ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Optimization of the microbiological composition of the biological product for cultivation of Lotus corniculatus

L.I. Domracheva, D.V. Kozylbayeva, A.L. Kovina, L.V. Trefilova, Yu.N. Zykova, M.N. Gripas, V.A. Izotova
Section: Agroecology
In a field experiment the effectiveness of presowing treatment of seeds of Lotus corniculatus by mono- and multicomponent microbial associations has been investigated. The associations were based on the nodule bacteria (NB) of Rhizobium loti, cyanobacteria (CB) Fischerella muscicola and actinobacteria (AB) Streptomyces hygroscopicus A4. Evaluation of effectiveness was carried out by the analysis of morphometric parameters of the aerial part and the plants biomass, as well as the intensity of the tubercles formation. The results obtained during two years of studying the effect of different microbes-introducents on the formation of the crop of Lotus corniculatus undoubtedly showed that the most effective option was the treatment of seeds with a three-component association based on KB, CB and AB. The biomass yield in this variant, both in the first year and in the second year of vegetation, was higher by 80.0% compared with the control, while the nodulation intensity was also higher by 37.6% in the variant with three-component bacterization of seeds. The results of quantitative accounting of microorganisms showed that certain changes occur in the composition of microbial complexes. Thus, in some variants, sharp fluctuations in the number of ammonifiers and actinomycetes are noted. Least of all microbial introduction affected the number of nitrogen fixers. All these changes can be caused by the influence of introduced microbes on the native microflora, and are probably associated with the volumes of isolated root exometabolites, which, in turn, are affected by the species composition of inoculant microbes. It is shown that the introduction of microorganisms into the soil with seeds stimulates the development of agronomically useful native soil microbiota. CB and AB can be attributed to the set of promising biological agents for the creation of a complex preparation designed to increase the productivity and yield of Lotus corniculatus.
Keywords: Lotus corniculatus, microbial associations, seed inoculation, rhizosphere microflora
Article published in number 1 for 2019
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-094-101
Views: 37

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The journal was founded in 2007