ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Ecologization of agricultural science and production – agricultural ecology – agricultural econology (in the light of the scientific heritage of N. F. Reymers)

A.V. Kaverin, A.V. Kiryushin, D.A. Masserov
Section: Agroecology
The article substantiates the relevance of further improvement of ecological professionalism in agriculture. The dominant environmental problems in the agricultural sector, the authors see the following: extensive agriculture and cattle breeding – everywhere in the world leads to desertification; intensive management causes acute environmental conflicts associated with pollution of soil, water and air, deterioration of the quality of agricultural products, etc.are the proposals of a prominent domestic theorist of environmental science N. F. Reimers on the greening of agricultural science and practice. The importance of studying by students of agricultural specialties of natural-scientific fundamental ecological bases of conducting agriculture-the laws, rules and principles of Agroecology defining "rules of behavior" in agricultural environmental management is considered. It is pointed out that there is an urgent need for new methodological, methodical and purely practical approaches to solving environmental prob-lems of agriculture. As a new, ecologically oriented worldview in agricultural science the inte-grative discipline economic ecology – the science of ecological and economic systems is offered. Among the main directions of agricultural economic ecology is the greening of planning and management of agricultural environmental management. Under the environmental planning of agriculture, the authors, after N. F. Reimers, understand, first of all, ecological land planning and establishment of forms, methods and restrictions of use of land resources. The article presents the results of economic and environmental studies and practical recommendations for environmental and economic optimization of the structure of agricultural land in the Republic of Mordovia over the past 28 years. Such spatial optimization allowed to increase a number of important indicators (crop yields, water availability, etc.) by 30-50%. At the same time, it expanded the recreational and waste-absorbing (assimilation) opportunities of the region by about the same amount.
Keywords: agricultural ecology, agricultural economic environment, agricultural land use, ecological theory, ecologization
Article published in number 2 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-2-102-106
Views: 14

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The journal was founded in 2007